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acne scars management

ACNE is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and applies to seborrheic areas.
In 99% cases it appears on the face, 90% on the back and 70% on the chest.
The acne applies to anatomical structures associated with the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
The main reasons for its occurrence are:
- sebaceous gland hypertrophy and overproduction of sebum
- increased keratosis of the sebaceous glands
- inflammation and immune response
- hormonal disorders (androgens increase sebum production)
- hygiene
- genetic factors (in 45% of patients one of the parent also suffered from acne)
Acne symptoms include the formation of blackheads (open and closed), pustules, papules, nodules, tumors and cysts. Any of these changes, improperly treated, can cause a scar.
The process of scar formation is associated with wound healing. If the wound heals too long and this stage is disturbed, this will cause the damage to the dermis and deeper layers of the skin.
As the result the body replaces damaged skin with fibrous connective tissue. The most common type of acne scars found on the face are the atrophic scars.
Plasmage medical plasma device- allows the acne scars reduction by:
- peeling of very superficial layers of the epidermis;
- changes in collagen fibers, causing them to shrink, remodel and increase the synthesis of this protein. To find out more about Medical plasma click here ->

The fast-healing micro punctures in the skin stimulating and providing intensive regeneration and production of new collagen and elastic fibers. This treatment results in reconstruction of the skin structures and the creation of new skin to replace the scar, as well as improving its elasticity.
In order to boost the regeneration effect the specific professional ampoule is used for the best result.
To treat acne scars effectively the recommended depth of the needle  ranges between 2.0-3.0 mm. To find out more about microneedling click here ->

Chemical peels stimulate the natural process of skin reconstruction and show a strong antibacterial effect, making them number one in the fight against acne. After chemical exfoliation, the skin becomes visibly rejuvenated, brightened and acne scars are reduced.
The video below shows how chemical peel unclogging and deeply cleansing the pores, hair follicles and the skin.
To find out more about medical peels click here ->
For the best results a combination of all of those treatment is recommended.
The treatment of acne takes time and patience-it is a process ,therefore the treatment plan will be created for the individual who is interested and wish to significantly improve the skin appearance.
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