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PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma

(aka "Vampire Facelift")

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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a product of tissue engineering. It is an autologous blood product containing concentrated platelets suspended in a small volume of plasma. The PRP production process consists of collecting peripheral blood from the patient and its centrifugation, which results in the separation of morphotic elements of the blood (differing in weight). Plasma is a liquid, mainly composed of: water, glucose, hormones, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.


The treatment with the use of plasma - also known as  "vampire facelift" attributes many properties, including regenerating and rejuvenating the skin. This treatment is most often intended for mature skin that has lost its elasticity and firmness. Also the skin with visible wrinkles and pigmentation or/and acne scars.


In addition, treatments based on this innovative technology have found application in the treatment of alopecia on various grounds. Also, stretch marks can be treated with PRP and skin with broken capillaries or rosacea where a significant improvement in the disappearing erythema has been noticed, by rebuilding the skin with a decrease in its reactivity.


PRP is a biocompatible procedure because there is complete tissue compatibility. The body does not attack its own, natural ingredients, whose task is to stimulate the renewal of tissues, which is why it is an ideal treatment for people struggling with allergies of all kinds, including ingredients of products, and for people who suffer from autoimmune diseases.


Treatment with the use of PRP:


  • Stimulate the natural regeneration of tissues and collagen fibers by stimulating cell multiplication

  • Intensely rejuvenate the skin, refreshing the appearance

  • Reduce acne scars

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation

  • Smooth out wrinkles 

  • Stop hair loss

  • Accelerating the healing of wounds

  • Helping to reduce bags and dark circles under the eyes

  • Improvement of skin elasticity and firmness

  • Prevention of skin aging



How to prepare for the procedure?


2 weeks before the procedure:


• Drink 2 - 2.5 liters of fluids/day

 • Do not drink alcohol

• Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet

• Do not eat TRANS fats

• Increase your body's alkalinity by eating more vegetables

• Take vitamin C, chelated zinc 2 x 1 tablet, spirulina


Such a procedure will increase the amount of circulating blood, as a result, the amount of fibrin and the effectiveness of the treatment


Do not take aspirin 24 hours before the procedure


5 days before the procedure, stop taking other medications that can affect blood clotting and Gingko Biloba products/supplements and:


• ANTICOAGULANTS: acenocoumarol, warfarin, fenindione, heparin and heparin-like drugs, direct thrombin inhibitors (dabigatran, bivalirudin, hirudin, argatroban), factor Xa inhibitors: rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban.

• NSAIDs: acetylsalicylic acid, ketoprofen, dioclofenac, naproxen, indomethacin, ibuprofen, piroxicam



Post-treatment aftercare:


- Immediately after procedure you will have visible deposits of the PRP (a little bumps) They will be absorbed within 72 hrs post procedure

- Small bruises are always a posiibility especially around an eye area

- Do not put on makeup for 24 hrs

- Do not drink alcohol for 48 hrs

- Use sunscreen

- Do not go to the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, and gym for 72 hrs

- Do not take a hot bath for 48 hours

- Do not use ice packs

- Limit contact with pets

- Do not use cosmetics with acids (AHA, BHA)

- Change the pillowcase


Sessions: the amount of sessions depends on individual's needs- generally spraking:


 - good condition, preventetive treatment 2 sessions a year

 - moderate wrinkles, dry skin, redness- 2-4 sessions every 3-4 weeks

 - deep wrinkles, sun damaged skin, very dry- 4- 6 sessions every 3-4 weeks or may need stem cells treatment instead of PRP  (approx 3 treatments every month)


Relative contraindications:


• menstruation (there is a risk of greater pain but also worse healing after the procedure),

• cancer (5 years after recovery),

  • autoimmune diseases (Hashimoto's, RA, psoriasis, AD - not in the acute phase of the disease)

• diabetes, epilepsy (with treatment and regulated condition - Yes).

• blood clotting disorders, taking anticoagulants (postpone medications for 24h)


Absolute contraindications:


• pregnancy and breastfeeding, inflammation in the body fever, condition

• ear inflammation, conjunctivitis, etc.

• viral, bacterial, and fungal infections (acne, rosacea, herpes, seizures, etc.)

• skin damage at the treatment site,

• blood clotting disorders, taking anticoagulants (postpone medications for 24h)

• taking oral isotretinoin derivatives (at least 6 months from the end of the treatment),

• topical treatment with preparations of vit. A retinoids, steroids (one month after the end of the treatment),  

• blood diseases

• chronic diseases in the body



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